

I had lower back aches & pains and my GP sent me to an evening session for a few weeks at the Abbey school where I met, amongst others Charlie. I realised that rather than sit still with an aching back I should move & stretch which I have done over the years even in places such as in the Natural History Museum London and in the middle of Dubrovnik during a tour much to the surprise of the surrounding people! I don’t care who sees me if it makes me feel better!

Charlies suggested I should do Pilates with Celia Hamilton-Jones which I did weekly until Covid struck. When Covid was over the classes Celia offered didn’t fit in with my work days and my other commitments, so I joined the gym (I got over-enthusiastic and hurt my groin and my arm!) I then tried Zumba but it wasn’t for me. I then felt that my right ankle was weak, it didn’t flex well when going down stairs and felt generally wobbly. I made an appointment with Charlie who gave me some exercises and then said I’d be much better off doing Pilates which was available at Kesson….so here I am! I have arthritis in my right hip and knees. I found that I’d groan/sigh when getting up from the sofa and when looking in floor cupboards I’d think “this is going to be difficult getting up” and have to hold onto the kitchen counter top. I tried a few classes in September to see if it was for me; then I joined on the monthly plan in October 2023, I’ve been attending Pilates classes usually 5 times per week (I like to get my money's worth and I certainly do!) I can now get up from the floor without holding onto anything and it doesn’t bother me to get up as I know I can do it! I can also do lunges and the plank for at least 2 minutes. So I’m feeling more confident about my fitness & strength.