

I broke my right ankle falling off my racing bike. It was a lateral malleolus stable fracture so the bones were aligned. I was given crutches and put in a boot to weight-bear. After having taken the boot off, I tried walking for twenty days but couldn’t, due to excruciating pain similar to an electric shock from my talon to my knee and the rest of the foot.Not seeing any real improvement after twenty days made me stressed and anxious. When I got in touch with Charles, I was sceptical of how physiotherapy could help. I was TOTALLY wrong. As I was so desperate, I decided to trust Charles completely and do exactly as he said. Due to Covid, all my consultations were online. The platform worked well and there was no difference from being looked after in person, thanks to the physiotherapist’s great competence. Charles immediately identified my problem, explained it carefully and in detail. He reassured me of my future progress and informed me about the hitches that I would encounter during the recovery, so I knew what to expect. The activities level of difficulty was gradually increased. Charles’s initial concern was to get me to walk immediately, despite the difficulties, and then perfect my performance. I got back to walking and noticed many improvements. I can now briskly walk for hours and have attempted to run. I will start wearing high-heeled shoes in a few weeks.This means the world to me! Being physically fit is essential to feeling mentally good and has given me back my independence. I never believed physiotherapy could be as effective, but I now know what a difference it can make and would highly recommend it to anyone for any physical issue.