

I have had arthritic knees for quite a few years, and I was coping until one day I wasn’t! The pain became significant and my hips and back were being affected by my bad gait. I am about to have partial knee replacements in both knees. It was only after leaving the surgeons office that the enormity of the surgery started to register. I was scared of having the operation and scared of not having the operation. So, I booked an appointment with Denise. I told her of my fears and my questions. She was brilliant. The two things I remember and still get comfort from are “the pain I have now will only get worse. The pain post op will only get better.” And, post op she said, “every week we will help you to do more than you could do the week before.” I see Denise once a week for pre op physio and have joined their brilliant lower limb class where I meet other people dealing with knee, ankle and hip issues. Saffron who runs that class pushes me already to do more each week. These exercises help my chance of a good and speedy recovery. Because I trust them I am willing to do more even if it hurts, reassured that the pain is due to lack of use rather than damaging myself. The others in the class tell me how much progress they have made and I can see for myself from week to week how well they are doing.I know that post surgery Denise will support me, and I will return to the class and learn how to walk well again with my two new partial knees.I still feel anxious, but I am no longer scared, and I no longer feel alone.