

I made an appointment with Kesson as I had experienced pain and restrictive movement with my knees ever since a marathon training run many years ago. I believed that I had a problem with my knees but in fact was diagnosed with muscle weakness in my hips and thighs. My weakness was leading to strain on my knees when running long distances and/or hills.I enjoy running physically and mentally as I had found it rather depressing going through cycles of running and injury stoppage. I had been unable to run properly and without understanding what the problem was, I was very sensitive to any discomfort with my knees, meaning that I rarely ran more than 5k.I focused on strengthening exercises for my hip and thigh muscles as well as stretches for my legs as well.I have definitely improved my situation. I am now running longer distances with less discomfort and pain. Recently I completed an ultra-marathon – Race to the Tower - where I was able to run (except the steep hills) for roughly 40 miles which was a massive improvement on the previous year where I only managed 6 miles before I had to stop and walk.I have been very pleased with the improvements so far and being able to run longer distances is great. I hope to continue the work so that I can reduce the problem even further over time. For me, the outcome I achieved at the ultra-marathon, was only possible because of the time I have spent working with Kesson.